[SGVLUG] Breaking news: Ice recalled because it may contain water... (was ... best self v-day gift)

Michael Proctor-Smith mproctor13 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 15:36:13 PST 2008

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 3:30 PM, Charles N Wyble <charles at thewybles.com> wrote:
--- snip

> [Charles N Wyble]
> Actually it is more likely due to people having food sensitivities and
> wanting to be aware of items that contain milk. Let's not jump on the
> world-is-over-apt-to- use-litigation happy band wagon any more then we have
> to J

We know that it is about  food sensitivities but again most people
with that sensitivity would assume that chocolate has milk in it.
Personally I am bothered buy these peanut butter chocolate bars that
have a warning label that "this product may contain peanuts, or tree
nuts and is created on equipment that process peanuts and or tree
nuts". I just had to go check if the jar of peanut butter has a
warning label. It does not thankfully.

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