[SGVLUG] Help spread the word

Sean O'Donnell sean at seanodonnell.com
Mon Jun 18 13:49:19 PDT 2007

In some of the few 'family community' towns that still exist throughout
the LA area, they have 'farmers markets' types of events where people
setup booths and sell their fruits, arts & crafts, and other home-made
goodies. There are also booths setup for local political-agenda groups,
non-profits, and so forth.

I know that South Pasadena, Monrovia, and I think Sierra Madre do this
on a weekly basis.

So. Pas: Thursdays (El Centro between Fremont and Meridian)

Monrovia: Fridays (Myrtle Ave. between Olive and Palm)

Sierra Madre: (not sure when/where/frequency)

I went to the Black Cow Cafe in Montrose for breakfast on Sunday, and
noticed that they have one too. Montrose is not in the SGV, but I did
notice some booths that made me think 'hmm, this would be a great way to
spread the word', although it requires a wee-bit of effort, time, and

Just a thought.

PS: No, I'm not volunteering to do this by-myself, but wouldn't be
opposed to helping out. =)

Sean O'Donnell
South Pasadena, CA

sean at seanodonnell.com

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