Robert Leyva Robert.Leyva at warnerbros.com
Wed Jul 6 18:18:55 PDT 2005

Very good point. I had not considered the nested [reply_to 0..*] factor.


Emerson, Tom wrote:

>>-----Original Message-----
>>Leyva, Robert
>>Perhaps we can adjust the email newsletter program to have
>>an "unsubscribe link" in each email, so they can just click
>>it to be removed?
>Actually, "out of the box" the list-management software does this, but I nixed that idea [and it's in the archive as to why]
>Of course, "at the time" there were only a few people loaded in the list, so this discussion wasn't all that widespread.  The other reason I don't like list-supplied-trailers is that you get this situation (taken from a live list):

"Knowledge is Power." -- Francis Bacon

Robert Leyva 
(Robert.Leyva at warnerbros.com)
Software Engineer
Warner Bros. Online

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