[SGVLUG] RECAP: (Was Re: Reminder: SGVLUG Meeting: Web Exploits/CDA Section 230 and Free Speech - Thu 6/11

Lan Dang via SGVLUG sgvlug at sgvlug.net
Thu Jun 11 23:20:22 PDT 2020

 Hi all,
We had a pretty good turnout to LUG tonight, despite the last minute marketing.  I think there were a total of 18 people.  I was using my gmail to host the meeting and still had to let everyone into the meeting.  I realized too late that using a non-GSuite account for Google Meet forced all the participants to sign in with a Google account, whereas if I'd used a GSuite account, people could've just logged in anonymously.

Jackie B. led a great session on web exploits using PortSwigger Academy with at least one person looking to sign up for an account and do some of the labs.  I was distracted, so I didn't catch the link to her slides.

Jess did a talk on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act with memes and cool graphics.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EAvHrlqxnWkekL63rrOnRJvBy-YvEIxb/view?usp=sharing
We ended up with a pretty interesting discussion on copyright law, patents, something called PeerTube.  Thanks to all who participated.
For July,we will be doing a joint meetup with Write the Docs LA, soliciting lightning talks from the community.  It will be 5 minutes per talk. with 5 minutes Q&A. They have already posted a Meetup page.https://www.meetup.com/Write-the-Docs-LA/events/271245252
Nathan Danielsen did a really great job with the lightning talks meetup he setup a while back, so we'll probably pick his brains a bit for logistics.
As usual, I invite you to join us on the SGVTech Slack where we share interesting links and conversation.https://bit.ly/sgvtech_slack

    On Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 9:32:10 PM PDT, Lan Dang via SGVLUG <sgvlug at sgvlug.net> wrote:  
  Hi all,
We have an SGVLUG meeting this Thursday (tomorrow) at 7pmon Google Meet  

Please turn on video during introductions. Mute unless you're speaking.


We have two talks this month, both fairly informal.
A brief survey of web exploits
By Jackie B.
Jackie will cover a few basic exploits using PortSwigger Academy for labs.

Why saving Section 230 is crucial to protecting free speech online
By Jess Bermudes
In recent years, people from all areas of the political sphere have sought to curb the protections provided to online platform operators by Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, including most recently a congressional bill that would have hampered end-to-end encryption and an executive order by President Trump to investigate and draft legislation to repeal the act itself. This is a mistake that will severely inhibit free speech online. We'll talk about the history of legislation in this area, common misconceptions about these Internet laws and what we can do to protect a free and open Internet.

6:45 - Introductions, chat
7:05 - Announcements.
7:15 - Talk starts
Unless you have another suggestion, the July SGVLUG meeting may be a joint meetup with Write the Docs LA focused on some form of tech documentation.I would personally love to have a talk on Jupyter Notebooks.

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