Braddock Gaskill via SGVLUG sgvlug at sgvlug.net
Thu Apr 11 06:52:31 PDT 2019

Just a reminder..IHOP tonight, not DuPars.

We will be meeting at 7 pm on Thursday, April 11th at IHOP at 880 S Arroyo
Pkwy in Pasadena.

This month we have a presentation by Dustin Laurence about ZeroMQ

ZeroMQ: Connect ALL The Things by Dustin Laurence

Writing applications in a multi-core, multi-threaded, multiprocess,
networked world means communicating between many threads and processes over
shared memory, IPC, and the network. This often involves multiple low-level
libraries (e.g. most languages’ built-in threading, unix IPC, Berkeley
sockets) with different programming paradigms, and may require a potential
a scaling bottleneck in the form of a central server or broker to make it
all manageable. ZeroMQ claims to be a better alternative, providing a
single, higher-level message-passing toolkit across threads, processes, and
networks, and languages, and specifically supports decentralized messaging.
That should make it a slower, clunkier compromise for any one task, but it
claims to be both better and easier to use for any one of those problems
than a dedicated library. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary
evidence, so we’ll examine how it compares to standard threading and
networking facilities and see how easily we can just connect all the things
like Lego bricks, regardless of type or underlying transport. Of course it
wouldn’t be any fun without including some very informal performance

Intending to become a programmer ("developer" hadn't been invented by the
marketing department yet), Dustin got sidetracked and spent more time than
he cares to admit doing theoretical physics, a background filled with
continuous mathematics almost entirely irrelevant to computer science. He
eventually returned to his original love of software. He avoids social
media for the same reason he doesn't do crack cocaine.
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