[SGVLUG] SGVLUG @ SCALE 13x YouTube playlist

Lan Dang l.dang at ymail.com
Tue Feb 24 03:25:06 PST 2015

Hi all,
I painstakingly found all the SCALE13x talks that I know about that involve SGVLUG members and put them on a playlist on our YouTube channel.  Let me know if I missed anyone.
This comes from the archived streams in the socallinuxexpo YouTube channel.  I can't wait till the individual ones are available.  It was seriously annoying to put together the playlist.  The first time I did it, I went through and used right click to pick up the URL,  but when I double-checked the link, it was nowhere near the beginning of the talk.  I think that the playlist did not like the URL and translated it incorrectly.

This time around, I used YouTube's "Share" function, which will apparently allow you to share a link of the video that starts whereever you currently paused it.

If you tweet it or otherwise send this link around, remind people to subscribe to our YouTube channel.  We want to grow the channel and keep adding new content, but it's hard to work up the enthusiasm when it seems like a lot of effort for a small viewership.  

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