[SGVLUG] Reminder: SGVLUG Meeting this Thursday -- Amateur High Altitude Ballooning

Lan Dang l.dang at ymail.com
Wed Nov 12 23:33:44 PST 2014

Hi all,

It's the 2nd Thursday of the month this week, and SGVLUG will be meeting at our usual location in the banquet room at Burger Continental from 7-9pm.  Arko from Nullspace Labs will be giving a talk about their experiments with amateur high altitude ballooning.

I will try my best to arrive before 7pm.  I would appreciate some help.  We are going all out to try to record the talk. I will bring the equipment, including the projector, tripod, camcorder, and microphones, extension cords, power strips.  Someone else gets to set them up.  I believe Michael Proctor-Smith is bringing a speaker/mixer.   

Dinner will be at 7.  The talk will probably begin around 8pm.  Before the talk,we'll do some Linux in the news, and maybe talk SCALE.  Steven has mentioned getting a booth for SGVHAK and that would probably extend to SGVLUG.  I would like to see who may be interested in helping with that effort.

Please pass the word around.  And if you are on Meetup, please RSVP to the event.  We want people to know that our meetings  are generally well attended.

WEBSITE: http://www.sgvlug.org
MEETUP: http://www.meetup.com/SGVTech/events/215497372/

TOPIC: Amateur High Altitude Ballooning
LOCATION: Burger Continental, 535 S Lake Ave, Pasadena, CA, 91101


This talk will cover the stories and engineering challenges faced by the Null
Space Labs High Altitude Ballooning team and how they designed, analyzed, and
flew hardware and software to survive the harsh conditions of near space.
Recent flights include CUBEX, a payload capable of live image transmission,
solar changing, power management, and position reporting, as well as the
HABEXpico flight which flew half way across the United States.


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