[SGVLUG] various creative spaces around town..

Arthur Baldwin eengnerd at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 13 20:01:35 PDT 2012

After doing more research on the specific model I'm interested in, it might be that the documentation is not yet ready.  AMD says that the APU chip series A8 and A10 won't be ready until sometime in 2nd Quarter of 2012.  Specifically, I'm most interested in the A10-5700 APU.


Arthur Baldwin

 From: John Kreznar <jek at ininx.com>
To: SGVLUG Discussion List. <sgvlug at sgvlug.net> 
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: [SGVLUG] various creative spaces around town..
In a posting purporting to be from Arthur Baldwin <eengnerd at yahoo.com>
but lacking a digital signature, it is written:

> ... Part of the problem is getting the pin out descriptions for the
> CPU chip and support chips.  The KiCAD libraries don't exist for most
> of the needed chips, so they have to be made from scratch.  I've
> already contacted AMD and they don't want to give me any pin out
> diagrams unless I become their "partner". 

Can you please provide part number(s) for this chip(s)?  If AMD don't
provide pin outs, I want to see for myself what they DO provide.

(Side question: What's the idea of ending your sentences with "_"?  I
like it because it suppresses the annoying "A0" that mimedecode
otherwise sticks in for double-space, yet is recognized as sentence end
by emacs.)


OpenPGP key: http://ininx.com
John E. Kreznar jek at ininx.com 9F1148454619A5F08550 705961A47CC541AFEF13
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