[SGVLUG] various creative spaces around town..

John Kreznar jek at ininx.com
Fri Apr 13 18:16:46 PDT 2012

In a posting purporting to be from Arthur Baldwin <eengnerd at yahoo.com>
but lacking a digital signature, it is written:

> ... Part of the problem is getting the pin out descriptions for the
> CPU chip and support chips.  The KiCAD libraries don't exist for most
> of the needed chips, so they have to be made from scratch.  I've
> already contacted AMD and they don't want to give me any pin out
> diagrams unless I become their "partner". 

Can you please provide part number(s) for this chip(s)?  If AMD don't
provide pin outs, I want to see for myself what they DO provide.

(Side question: What's the idea of ending your sentences with "_"?  I
like it because it suppresses the annoying "A0" that mimedecode
otherwise sticks in for double-space, yet is recognized as sentence end
by emacs.)


OpenPGP key: http://ininx.com
 John E. Kreznar jek at ininx.com 9F1148454619A5F08550 705961A47CC541AFEF13

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