[SGVLUG] SOPA Workarounds?

John Kreznar jek at ininx.com
Wed Dec 21 15:48:56 PST 2011

In a posting purporting to be from "dave" <dave at iheartubuntu.com> but
lacking a digital signature, it is written:

> I still have a hard time grasping the fact the SOPA bill could actually 
> happen, but if it does it is nice to have some workarounds.

Hooray!  So much better to just walk around political obstacles, rather
than further ratifying political process by joining them in their

OpenPGP key: http://ininx.com
 John E. Kreznar jek at ininx.com 9F1148454619A5F08550 705961A47CC541AFEF13
                      Politics is not the answer

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