[SGVLUG] Pasadena JUG 09/27 - Drupal

Jana Lingo jana.lingo at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 13:42:10 PDT 2010

Ashish Gupta will be talking on the Django framework:
Django is a web framework in Python language. Presentation will be
more focused on interesting design and coding aspects of Django
framework and not on Python at all.


>From the 210 freeway: take the Lake Ave exit south.
>From Colorado Blvd: take Hudson Ave north, go a block past the Target,
and turn right onto Walnut St.

There are two parking lot entrances once you're in the middle of the
property. Use the one on the right. Parking is free but validation is
required, so bring your parking stub.

To get to the meeting, walk north and turn left onto Walnut Street.
There should be a "PJUG" sign taped to the door.

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