[SGVLUG] Calendars and Active L.A. lugs (was upcoming interesting conferences)

Emerson, Tom (*IC) Tom.Emerson at wbconsultant.com
Tue Aug 4 15:45:48 PDT 2009

> -----Original Message----- Of Dan Kegel
> There have been lots of similar efforts.
> The problem is not the technical details (static web page,
> web ring, wiki, rss feeds, whatever), but rather the effort
> of maintenance.

Yeah - a lot of that is obvious from the websites of our groups ;)

If "whomever" is supposed to maintain a group's website isn't doing it, what are the chances that he or she (or anyone else from the group, for that matter) will spend EXTRA time on a second site?  [and yes, I count myself amongst the "whomevers"...]

> I for a long time have offered svn access to anyone who wants
> to update the lalugs.org page.  However, it turns out that
> svn is a foreign language for most of the people who want to
> do updates there.
> I should probably turn lalugs.org into a wiki so that
> non-developers feel comfortable updating it.
> - Dan

I don't think it is "just" that SVN access is "foreign" - I, for one, would not be comfortable editing "your" pages simply because I'd be afraid of "breaking" it (also I'm not sure I'd be following your layout or editing/anotating techniques - and do you use CSS? Unusual tags? [what if someone added a tag you don't normally use?] and so on)

What if two people decide to "edit" the page with different (potentially incompatible) page editors?  [and can you imagine the flame war that will break out when someone decides to use "frontpage"???]

So, what else can be done? Well... I've just created a facebook "group" targeted towards group leaders, moderators, website managers, and so forth - it may become great, or it may fall flat - don't know - but I'd like to invite anyone on this list who manages any "other" southern california linux group (or even computer groups in general) to join this group:


(or if not a group leader yourself, but know of other group leaders who may not be on this e-mail, please forward to them)

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