[SGVLUG] Free University classes

matti mathew_2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 23 22:21:28 PDT 2008


the paid online course from CSULA which I 
am familiar with had NO lecture (even online,
even youtube), and NO real discussions, 
NO good answers from the professor.

It was basically self study, with no real
feedback on your exam results,... very frustrating
since it cost as much as a normal class.
( read the book, do homework from the book,
take online quizes and exams, get graded.. )

Unfortunately the normal class professor REALLY
sucked, and taking it even with a lame online
class was better. ( the book and subject matter
was interesting imho )

Some online classes aren't done well.
Likewise for some traditional classes.

imho a good instructor is well worth it.

indeed it would be nice to get credit for taking
classes without paying for them ;)

> I am in the process of taking a masters on line.  I am not
> impressed,  I think it has a lot to do with classrooms.  We
> don't meet online and discuss.  No skype or any other
> form of online conformation of teamwork.   I really like
> these posts and all the information it provides.  I am a
> novice with linux, but feel my experience with vmware and
> the command line helps me often. 

> My wife is taking classes at Univ. of Phoenix online. In
> her classes she is
> paired up in online teams that do projects and write
> papers. They Skype-meet
> once a week to discuss topics on their projects and use a
> DAV tool for
> updating papers. So remediation is there, it's just not
> face-to-face.


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