[SGVLUG] Today's real-life humor...

Solomon K. Chang skevin521 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 22 14:13:44 PST 2007

On Gantt diagrams, I will sometimes retcon the graph, to include tasks that were
necessary, but somehow failed to be documented.  I sometimes also include incomplete
tasks whose deadlines were in the past, just so that my team knows exactly how far
behind we are.  Here are a few of my tasks with a BC checkmark:

Take antimatter out of storage and re-deploy in regular universe.  Note: hopefully, no
one questions where it's been for the last 11 billion years.

Send memo to Sumerians that cuneiform is not what I had in mind when I said "Optical

Add more hard drives to alien tech servers in North Mayan Temple Annex.  Currently
running at 99.2% capacity, and empire will be in trouble if we run completely out of

Leave voicemail for Roman authorities that the guy with the twelve apostles is not the
Jewish Messiah as foretold.  Just scare him and rough him up a little, but don't kill

As you can see, I'm running a little behind.


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