[SGVLUG] Linux based web-server appliance

Don Gibbs donald.e.gibbs at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri May 19 09:29:07 PDT 2006

>You guys are hilarious :D. I asked about web-server appliances 
>(thanks for the correction, we are trying to SAVE money) and I get 
>my question answered as well as getting info on:
>         Gulliver's Travels

Just to push it a bit further, Danny Cohen is often credited as the 
individual who first used the Jonathon Swift term in the contemporary 
computer context -- see 

Dr. Cohen was a researcher at USC-ISI, but left it to help found 
Myricom ( http://www.myri.com/) in Altadena (?) with some Caltech 
folks a few years ago.  The basic notions underpinning the Myrinet 
products are pretty interesting.  Fun stuff, indeed.



PS:  BTW, the discussion on Tcl/Expect not too long ago was quite 
valuable to me.  It allowed me to do some nifty stuff at my day job! 
So I, too, am one of those that read the mail list even if I have a 
very hard time getting to the Thursday night meetings.  Or the 
Saturday devsigs.  *snif*
Don Gibbs		| "Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas
dgibbs at jpl.nasa.gov	| -- only I don't know exactly what they are!"
818 354-2990 - office	|
818 653-9531 - cell	|       Alice, after reading JABBERWOCKY

Sec 316, Flight S/W & Data Systems - Group B, GN&C and FSW Testing
Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of JPL/Caltech or NASA
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