[SGVLUG] David gets to put a notch in his "I told you so" stick...

Tom Emerson osnut at pacbell.net
Mon Jun 12 00:52:03 PDT 2006

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I got a bit of feedback from a "first time" attendee of last week's meeting:

     "It was out of my league, but still fairly thought-provoking.  I
did think that any Linux newbie there would have been blown away, and
not in a good way, by the lack of overview-level stuff presented. "

I wrote him back to say, "yes, we knew this would be an advanced topic",
but the sad truth is that it seems extremely difficult to get /anyone/
interested in presenting, regardless of how "technical" (or not) the
presentation may be.

In the "dare I say it?" category, I believe we've gotten another
commitment from Chris to present next month, but after that, we're wide
open -- in that light, I'd like to personally extend an invitation to
David to be the "ringleader" of a "what cool things I do with Linux"
roundtable discussion (I believe you have advocated such a meeting topic
in the past, have you not?)

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