[SGVLUG] Meeting Thurs! Please help - invite new people!

matti mathew_2000 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 7 01:47:37 PDT 2006


Please help us have good meetings by inviting
more people who are interested to join us!

If everyone could at least bring JUST ONE new 
person to our meetings I would be really happy.

Meeting Thur 6/8 7-9pm
Location: 107 Downs at Caltech Campus in Pasadena

This month the topic: 

June 2006: Linspire
We have a special treat in store for us for the June meeting - a couple
of "Core OS" developers from Linspire will be our guest speakers, and
they'll be here to talk about the interesting languages and
technologies they use in their distribution.



btw - this article was interesting..

Why we are all journalists now

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