[SGVLUG] Especially for Tom & his Prius....

Stan Schwarz stan at iron.gps.caltech.edu
Thu Jul 13 11:00:58 PDT 2006

> Newsweek claims that one saves energy by riding a bicycle but I'm not
> so sure since the human engine is not as efficient as the internal
> combustion one.  But I would like to find some estimates on the energy

Um... This is a rather breathtaking claim. While it's true that
the human is a poor source of power, a bicycle is very efficient
in its use of that power. And my bike and me together weigh 
something like 180 pounds. My car and me weigh about 3500 pounds.
Which one takes more energy to haul up the hill to my house?

Stan Schwarz              |"Sun likely will have to embrace Linux
stan at iron.gps.caltech.edu | and eat their own children, or watch 
                          | IBM and HP do it instead." - crn.com
- http://pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/stans -----------------------------

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