[SGVLUG] Burning laptop anyone?

Dustin Laurence dustin at laurences.net
Wed Aug 30 15:48:33 PDT 2006

On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 03:33:03PM -0700, Dustin Laurence wrote:
> However, I've never heard of this being a long-term issue.  Is anyone
> suggesting that you should never wear briefs if you *ever* want to have
> children?

I just noticed our copy of "Taking Charge of Your Fertility".  It is
about female fertility, not male fertility, but it does say that it can
take up to 72 days to produce a sperm cell.  So my guess is that if you
are not now trying to conceive and you are not planning to in the next
two and a half months, it doesn't matter.

And for many men it doesn't matter anyway.  The design works quite well
under less-than-optimal conditions (hmm, suppose there is survival value
in that?), so generally people don't worry about these details unless
they have tried and are having difficulty, or tests show low sperm

Remember, people wearing briefs have impregnated their wives just fine
for a long time.  In particular, we conceived twice that way.  The first
was a miscarriage, the second resulted in a very fine small boy named
Eric who is the apple of his daddy's eye and is approaching his second
birthday. :-)

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