[SGVLUG] Time to boot getting longer with Debian

Johannes Graumann graumann at caltech.edu
Fri Apr 21 13:07:08 PDT 2006

On Friday 21 April 2006 01:03, John E. Kreznar wrote:
> Ah -- looks like they changed the package name from kernel-source-xxx
> to linux-source-xxx.  Sorry for the distraction.
Might have something to do with the ongoing effort to provide the Hurd kernel 
as well ... linux-source-xxx and hurd-source-xxx can coexist much nicer than 
kernel-source-xxx and <?> ...


| Johannes Graumann, Dipl. Biol.                                       |
|                                                                      |
|      Graduate Student                Tel.: ++1 (626) 395 6602        |
|      Deshaies Lab                    Fax.: ++1 (626) 395 5739        |
|      Department of Biology                                           |
|      CALTECH, M/C 156-29                                             |
|      1200 E. California Blvd.                                        |
|      Pasadena, CA 91125                                              |
|      USA                                                             |
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