[SGVLUG] Microsoft's nightmare inches closer to reality

Dustin laurence at alice.caltech.edu
Mon Sep 26 08:13:46 PDT 2005

On Mon, 26 Sep 2005, John E. Kreznar wrote:

> Dustin <laurence at alice.caltech.edu> writes:
> > But the underlying problem is the web becoming capable of deploying
> > better and better applications.
> That's the road to the privacy give-away that Google is paving.

No argument there.  You're running the application on *someone else's

> lost, and that that's her business.  Unfortunately, privacy give-away
> is becoming so pervasive that those of us who try to keep it are
> becoming ever more conspicuous, and therefore in danger of loosing our
> privacy as well.

Sometimes even legally, if a court rules that people don't have an 
"expectation of privacy".

> Another example of privacy give-away.  You get the service, they get
> your dossier.

Yes.  *Someone else's computer*.  And in that case, it does no good to run
to an anonymizer like Tor.

We've never mentioned stuff like that at a LUG meeting that I know of.  I 
found it pretty easy to get Tor and privoxy running, which are useful for 
privacy (though not on the issues you mention, where you have a 
relationship with the other end that requires you to identify yourself).
Performance takes a noticable hit, but is tolerable.


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