[SGVLUG] How fast spam spiders work.

Douglas Burton doug at augustarts.com
Mon Sep 12 22:59:05 PDT 2005

Tom Emerson wrote:

>On Monday 12 September 2005 20:52, serross at ix.netcom.com wrote:
>>Sorry Tom, but what I am talking about is not scripted.
>Though now I'm curious -- what method are you talking about that obscures 
>things from spiders, yet reveals them "to a real person", and doesn't use 
>some form of [java]script?  (and I'll ask in advance, "and how does it 
>prevent a "spider" from deciphering an address?)
Indeed, do tell. I've never felt that the JavaScript method is an ideal 
solution, but I considered it an improvement over the previous method I 
used, which was to convert the link text into decimal codes. In this 
case, you at yourdomain.com becomes:


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