[SGVLUG] Visual Studio .NET IDE for Linux!

Jana Lingo jana.lingo at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 19:46:17 PDT 2005

I think a lot of windows folks are down sacred of us and our "commie"
software. One of the reason I lost my last job was that I refused to
take the ".Net pill" . Being involved with mainframe development, all
I saw was changing the lock keeper from Unisys to Microsoft.
That being said, I would like to set a .Net and or Mono presentation.

On 7/26/05, Emerson, Tom <Tom.Emerson at wbconsultant.com> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> Kevin SoftDev
> Visual Studio .NET IDE for Linux!
> http://dev.mainsoft.com/Default.aspx?tabid=45
> ==========================
> Hmmm... interesting premise, and the comments that follow on that page are a mix of shill-like back-slapping congrats and cautious long-time-whiners wondering "why?"
> I fall somewhat in the middle, though I don't expect this to help me at the moment (I'm still using visual studio/vb 6, but I do have a copy of .net I'm toying with) -- does it really let you utilize the full suite of what ".net" provides, or is it really "just a subset"?  And, of course, the killer question is really more of an observation: the "requirements" page still lists windows -- per the title, you're claiming to run the VS .NET IDE under Linux (at least, that's how I interperet the word "for" in the phrase "for Linux!")
> With our recent string of "appearent success" in scheduling meetings through to the end of the year, we DO have the november meeting slot open -- I'm curious as to how many folks here would be interested in a hands-on-demo at that point?  (or would this be far to "boring", "technical", or otherwise "subversive, 'cause it ain't really linux" to be a worthwhile presentation?)
> One comment posted hinted at price, as this looks to be a commercial product, but I gather from the download page that the "developer" edition is "free-as-in-beer", while the full enterprise edition costs $$$.

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