[SGVLUG] September Meeting

Dustin laurence at alice.caltech.edu
Thu Jul 21 15:26:12 PDT 2005

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005, Hershel Remer wrote:

> Don't worry -- I already figured out your whole little scheme, Dustin.

I am innocent as a lamb, and accusations that I am anything less than 
entirely ingenuous wound me to the quick. :-)

> ....When
> Matt presented last time, it was inside Sun's offices, and so, he was able to
> beat you up

He never has, since we've met once that I remember.  We've only traded
punches on the UUASC list.  I wasn't at his last presentation (my
attendance has been zilch :-( for a couple of months or more), and the one
time I met him face-to-face I think it was *you* turning the screws....

> ...about your anti-Sun sentiments.

Huh.  You've got it backwards--perhaps you meant to say Sun's anti-GPL and
anti-Linux sentiments.  I merely point out what Sun's top execs say
publically in the trade press and get labeled "anti-Sun" for it.  It's an 
interesting world....

> ...But, when he talks at sgvlug, it
> will serve as your rematch, and this time, you will have the home field
> advantage.

How about we just have Jonathan Schwartz talk about "how much Sun loves
the GPL," or maybe how the third server OS after MS-Windows and Solaris
(naturally, they're best of buddies now) is called "Red Hat"?  He does
more damage to Sun's reputation than I possibly could.

Actually, you're the meeting-meister.  Why not invite him to speak (I'd
prefer on those subjects, but if you say that he won't come) to UUASC?  
It's a long shot, but all he can say is no.  It's no set-up, either, given
how many Sun admins there are in UUASC.



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