Ron Quan ronton888 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 03:32:23 PDT 2005

Please post the line(s) that you added and the drive/partitions information.

To troubleshoot:
1) Make sure you have created the directory that you wish to mount the
NTFS partition to

2) Try running the "mount" command manually on the ntfs line to see if
your line generates errors

Be aware that writing to NTFS partitions, even in kernel 2.6, is not
recommended. I would mount as read-only. Please correct me if my
understanding is outdated?

Here's a concise page regarding fstab.

On 7/10/05, Manuel Fernandes <manuelf at mailblocks.com> wrote:
> Can someone provide me some information or site of loading up an NTFS
> drive/partition within Debian.
> I've tried mounting it by adding the necessary line in the etc/fstab
> file but nothing comes up.
> Thanks.

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