Hi Lan,<br>
Would you like me to introduce you to Ryan at the Fuller Seminary? There's a conference room there that we've used many timea for SGV Drupal meetups. It has all the AV equipment needed and can accommodate 20-25 people.<br>
There is also Pasadena Media, where SGV Drupal has met before and with whom we have a good relationship. Their "training room" is larger though it does have deeper desks (making it great for trainings with people with laptops) and therefore maxes out at around 16-18 people.<br>
~ Christefano<br>
Christefano Reyes | @christefano | <a href="http://drupal.org/user/104">http://drupal.org/user/104</a> <br>
Organizer, Drupal Adventure Guide | 954-CHRISTO (954-247-4786)<br>
Greater Los Angeles Drupal | 855-LADRUPAL (855-523-7872)<br>
Join us! <a href="http://www.meetup.com/Greater-Los-Angeles-Drupal">http://www.meetup.com/Greater-Los-Angeles-Drupal</a>