<html><P>BJ: I am interested in practical changes in driving habits for greater</P>
<P>efficiency. David, you refer to coasting. What I want to know is if</P>
<P>you have figures for rolling in idle gear? </P>
<P>BJ: First, I have seen charts that the greatest efficiency according</P>
<P>to most automobile design is between 45-50 mph, and IF I had the</P>
<P>right device could see what that corresponds to in terms of rpms, etc.</P>
<P>And I assume that whatever would approximate that in lower gears</P>
<P>would give the greatest erfficiency for them. But what is the cost</P>
<P>of rolling in idle, since the engine is turning over there _is_ a cost</P>
<P>(compared to coasting). Right?</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Bob Jaffray</P>
<P><BR><BR>-- David Lawyer <dave@lafn.org> wrote:<BR>I've been intending to write "The Case for Coasting: Energy-efficient<BR>Driving" for years and finally did it. But alas, no references yet.<BR><BR>http://www.lafn.org/~dave/trans/energy/case4coasting.html<BR><BR>David Lawyer<BR></P></html>
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