[SGVLUG] SGV Linux Users Group Monthly Meeting: Thursday, February 10, 2022

Nick Hyde nickhyde314 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 2 21:04:27 PST 2022

Title:Neovim as a Personal Development Environment (Speaker: TJ DeVries)This meeting will be on line via Zoom (see link below)
Talk Description:The speaker, TJ DeVries, will go through some of the features of Neovim (some shared with vim and others unique to Neovim) and then show some of his favorite customizations that tackle common parts of his workflows. Topics will include the following: LSP, Debugging, Fuzzy Finding, Navigation and more.
TJ DeVries BIO:He loves developer tools and is a member of the core team for Neovim. He also makes a lot of other tools related to Neovim on his stream on twitch (twitch.tv/teej_dv) and publishes YouTube videos about many of the same topics as well (youtube.com/c/TjDeVries).
Agenda:6:45 - Introductions, chat7:05 - Announcements7:15 - Talk start -- Neovim as a Personal Development Environment
Zoom Link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83518830884?pwd=VzhlbitCUWpuTzF3Ni9MR0hKUUtkdz09
About the SGVLUG:The SGVLUG is one of the oldest and most active Linux User Groups in the Greater Los Angeles area. In addition to Linux, the group also shares interests in other free and open source software, all forms of technology, and the discussion of issues that arise with these new tools, such as privacy rights. 
The SGVLUG attracts members from throughout LA County including Pasadena, Glendale, Burbank, and eastward throughout the San Gabriel Valley. Our members include software developers, system administrators, hardware engineers, and software users of all levels of expertise. Many work in the technology field as employees, contractors or consultants, and enjoy the learning and networking opportunities available from the group. We also have many members that serve as volunteers of their time and skills at various local events, including the annual Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE).
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