[SGVLUG] Reminder: SGVLUG Meetin : SSH config & Jupyter Notebooks 2/11

Lan Dang l.dang at ymail.com
Sat Mar 6 15:35:09 PST 2021

 Dear Homan,
I'm sorry for the delayed and mostly useless response, but we usually don't record the virtual LUG meetings.   There is concern about infringing on privacy, but there is also a big technical issue.   I have a fairly unstable relationship with Google Meet and often have technical difficulties when I'm presenting.  I think my Internet might have died at some point during the discussion phase on Jupyter notebooks, and by the time I logged back in, we had moved to another topic.

I had meant to write up a summary of the discussion, but it's been a busy past few weeks.
For SSH, Claude went over his setup and why he uses it.  I dropped a lot of links into the chat, because a number of people were new to SSH, SSH tunnelling,  and how it can be configured.  I am reminded that I need to look up Proxyjump, because it helps simplify tunneling through bastion hosts or jump boxes to get to another network.
Here are the slides for the Jupyter notebooks.  I'm going to keep updating them as I learn more.

I would encourage you to join us on Slack if you want more discussion or to ask questions.http://bit.ly/sgvtech_slack
LanPS Next week's SGVLUG meeting will be a Python 101 workshop aimed at self-learners

    On Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 9:06:00 AM PST, Homan Chou via SGVLUG <sgvlug at sgvlug.net> wrote:  
 Sounds like a really interesting discussion but i won’t be able to attend. Will the talk be recorded and posted anywhere?
On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 1:32 AM Lan Dang via SGVLUG <sgvlug at sgvlug.net> wrote:

Hi all,
Happy Lunar New Year.  We have an SGVLUG meeting this Thursday  at 7pm on Google MeetTopics are SSH config and Jupyter Notebooks, so please come if you have an interest in either topic or just want to touch base.
The Meet linkhttps://meet.google.com/bju-sryz-nbt

Meetup link:https://www.meetup.com/SGVTech/events/zvpphlyccdbpb/

Happy Lunar New Year. This month, we will be doing adhoc short talks that will help you get started with SSH configuration or Jupyter notebooks, while opening the floor for tips and discussion.

Claude Felizardo will talk about how to use your SSH config. The one that you would make at ~/.ssh/config, if you knew how useful it could be. If you need to access a remote machine behind a firewall by connecting through an intermediate accessible host then you are using what’s called a jump host. From there you can tunnel connections to access other hosts that aren’t accessible from the internet such as internal web servers, database servers, etc. You could even use it as a jump point to reach other jump servers. This can be done using the command line options of SSH but with may of us working remotely this can start to get fairly complicated. Fortunately you can define these commonly used options in your SSH config

Lan Dang will show you how to get started with Jupyter notebooks with a brief overview and demo based on approximately 30 minutes of Googling. Jupyter notebooks are a great way to combine data, code, visualizations and narrative text. Hopefully the audience can chime in with their real-world use cases for Jupyter notebooks and tips and tricks for using them.

Others TBD

6:45 - Introductions, chat
7:05 - Announcements
7:15 - Talks start

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