[SGVLUG] Reminder: SGVLUG meeting on 12/10: Open Source documentation, SCaLE, 2020

Lan Dang via SGVLUG sgvlug at sgvlug.net
Tue Dec 10 14:18:40 PST 2019

Hi all

We have an SGVLUG meeting this Thursday (12/10) at 7pm.  I hope to cover some club business[1] in additionto our usual presentation.  

PRESENTATION:Kate Sammons and Spencer Sullivan will present on the work they did to improve the documentation for the open source NASA/JPL Hybrid Cloud Science Data System (HySDS). They participated in the JPL Student Independent Research Internship (SIRI) program.

In celebration of upcoming holidays, I'm sponsoring light refreshments and tea and hot chocolate from the Corner 
Bakery.  I'm hoping to go out for a real dinner after the meeting.

This meetup has been crossposted to Write the Docs LA, the local Write the Docs chapter of technical documentarians.

We'll be at Corporate Center Pasadena's Conference Facility (283 S. Lake Ave, Ste 100, Pasadena, CA 91101).  
If you haven't been there before, it's a conference facility located behind the restaurants on Lake Ave just 
north of Del Mar Blvd.   There is an entrance to the Corporate Center on Lake Ave between Citibank and 
Dunkin Donuts.

For those of you who haven't been paying attention, we are on Slack at sgvtech.slack.com.  Invite link below:https://bit.ly/sgvtech_slack


[1] I welcome more feedback and involvement for both SGVTech[2] and SGVLUG[3] in 2020.   Would also love to hear what people plan for SCaLE[4].  
And any projects we can work on as a group [5].  
[2] Our umbrella group is growing.  This is the closest thing we have to documentation about all the groups.  Please ping me if you want to edit and update the slides regarding your group.  I hope to convert this to a reveal.js presentation that can be managed on GitHub.https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HlUQGXnqywdn92VhMgW3d02chlpKR-KRM3w2uL-O7iU/edit?usp=sharing
[3] I have limited bandwidth for dealing with SGVLUG this past year.  I've often opted for whatever decisions require the least amount of work and coordination, which is why we moved from Du-Par's to IHOP and have mainly been recruiting speakers from our membership and my colleagues.If you're interested in helping out with the meetings or getting more involved, come see me.  It can be anything, whether it's to emcee a meeting or update the Meetup page...or maybe even to help plan the SGVLUG 25th Anniversary party[6]
[4] Did you submit to the Call for Papers?  Are we going to have a booth?  Or a BoF?  We're always recruiting volunteers for SCALE A/V.

[5] I've been promoting the code_for_space meetup which will be this Friday. But there's also Advent of Code or the AWS/JPL machine learning challenge using the Open Source Rover.https://www.meetup.com/SGVTech/events/266403682/https://adventofcode.com/https://spacechallenge.tech/
[6] SGVLUG 25th anniversary is November 11, 2020, which falls on a Wednesday.  About 5 years ago, we celebrated our 20th anniversary.https://www.sgvlug.org/2015/11/14/twentieth-anniversary/http://sgvlug.net/pipermail/sgvlug/2015-November/011652.html

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