[SGVLUG] Meeting Recap 01/08: Red Hat and Open Shift

Lan Dang l.dang at ymail.com
Mon Jan 12 08:40:12 PST 2015

tl;dr Turnout was 30-odd people.  Very cool Red Hat and Open Shift talk by Albert Wong.  It was recorded and will be up on Youtube once edited.  Red Hat picked up dinner tab.    

SCALE is coming up in February; discount code is SGVLG.  SCALE volunteers wanted; contact me (Lan).  SGVLUG and SGVHAK will have a booth at SCALE.  We want to make cheatsheet mugs ala Mug of Vi, to be made by LUG/HAK members at Tux-Lab. SCALE discussion to be continued at next week's SGVHAK meeting, which is a joint meetup with Hackaday Projects at the still-unfinished Hackaday Space.

We were very surprised to get to Burger Continental and hear that someone had already  called in an order for 15 people.  It turned out that Red Hat was generously footing our dinner tab.

I counted a little over 30 people at dinner last night, including several new faces.  Another Red Hat employee, Michael Rice, was there and offered to help line up speakers. 

NOTE: We still don't get wifi in that room at Burger Continental.  Some people were hitching off the Winchell wifi.   I guess others were just using mobile tethering.

Red Hat and Open Shift


Wow.  Red Hat rep Albert Wong blew me away both with his talk and Red Hat's generosity in picking up the dinner bill.  I am sure that Burger Continental was -very- happy on Thursday night.

Albert took the time to survey the entire crowd to see what people would be interested in hearing about, and I think he did an excellent job of speaking at a high enough level and entertainingly enough for most people to follow along.  There is a real danger of people tuning out when a talk gets too technical when they are not using that particular technology. One of my favorite analogies was when he talked about switching from treating servers as pets to treating them as cows on a farm.

If you missed it, we did record the talk, and it's in the process of being edited.  We'll post to the mailing list and Meetup once the video is available, or you can subscribe to our Youtube channel.


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