[SGVLUG] Meetup

John Kreznar jek at ininx.com
Tue Jan 6 21:40:06 PST 2015

A hearty +1 to all points in these two replies.

In addition, there's the loss of privacy.  Motto: If a thing can't be
done anonymously, it's a privacy give-away to do it at all.  With rare
exception, this means no web posting.

An anonymous download from the given URL [1] and then the pages to which
it points reveals that google analytics gets informed of a visit [2,3].
(What personal information is coded in those URLs?)  Some folks don't
want their click-stream archived by google analytics or anybody else.

Is there any good reason why RSVP cannot be handled by encrypted email?

> The unfortunate state of the Internet these days is that most people
> only discover things through a small number of websites.  Gone are the
> times when your self hosted site could make it big based on content
> alone.

So true, and so sad.

> And may I add that these kind of discussions are what make this
> mailing list great.  We should have more of them.



[1] http://www.meetup.com/SGVTech/events/218696335/

[2] http://www.google-analytics.com/r/collect?v=1&_v=j30&a=1068311531&t=pageview&_s=1&dl=http://www.meetup.com/SGVTech/events/218696335/&dr=http://localhost:8080/index/http/www.meetup.com/%3Fsort%3Dmtime&dp=GROUP_events_%3E_event_%3E_details&ul=en-us&de=UTF-8&dt=Red+Hat+and+Open+Shift+-+SGV+Linux+Users+Group+Monthly+Meeting+-+San+Gabriel+Valley+Tech+People+(Pasadena,+CA)+-+Meetup&sd=16-bit&sr=1024x768&vp=949x643&je=0&_u=MEAAAAQAK~&jid=833134821&cid=1402061620.1420606673&tid=UA-3226337-4&_r=1&cd1=alien_nm&z=427929710

[3] http://www.google-analytics.com/r/collect?v=1&_v=j30&a=1068311531&t=pageview&_s=1&dl=http://www.meetup.com/SGVTech/events/218696335/&dr=http://localhost:8080/index/http/www.meetup.com/%3Fsort%3Dmtime&ul=en-us&de=UTF-8&dt=Red+Hat+and+Open+Shift+-+SGV+Linux+Users+Group+Monthly+Meeting+-+San+Gabriel+Valley+Tech+People+(Pasadena,+CA)+-+Meetup&sd=16-bit&sr=1024x768&vp=949x643&je=0&_u=MECAAAQEK~&jid=297999761&cid=1402061620.1420606673&tid=UA-3226337-1&_r=1&z=622053417

OpenPGP key: http://ininx.com
 John E. Kreznar jek at ininx.com 9F1148454619A5F08550 705961A47CC541AFEF13

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