[SGVLUG] so, what command line tools DO you like to install?

Sean O'Donnell sean at seanodonnell.com
Fri May 11 15:59:40 PDT 2012

I'm haven't been using debian much these days, but (under Fedora) I 
generally try to make sure the following essential tools are installed:

yum -y install systat ifstat iotop dstat htop clusterssh aterm vim lynx 
screen tmux irssi iptstate netstat-nat gcc gdb fail2ban httpd php 
php-cli python mysql mysql-server mysql-workbench perl-DBI memcached

The Fedora systat package contains iostat and sar, which I almost always 
forget until 'yum search iostat sar' reminds me. At least it finds them, 
though. These are the little types of notes that I have to keep in my 
private/personal wiki, as a case-in-point of the reference-value of 
running your own private/personal wiki (and a few other web-based tools). =)


On 05/11/2012 04:15 PM, matti wrote:
> Hi,
> Traceroute and ping are to me some very useful tools to have on any system, and
> it still bugs me that ubuntu does not include traceroute by default ..
> sudo apt-get install traceroute
> I recently tried another tool which I wanted to share called
> iftop
> think "ifconfig" "top" ->  iftop
> nice for those ssh sessions where you don't have the graphical
> screen...
> sudo apt-get install iftop
> here's a bit of a writeup on iftop
> http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-display-bandwidth-usage-on-network-interface-by-host.html
> so, the question, WHAT do you install?
> thanks
> matti

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