[SGVLUG] SGVLUG Meeting this Thursday: Rebuilding an Enterprise Class Linux Infrastructure in Under an Hour

Lan Dang l.dang at ymail.com
Wed Dec 12 00:51:21 PST 2012

Hi all,

Reminder that there is a meeting this Thursday.  David Rodriguez (D Rod) returns with a talk on OpsCode Chef.  If you know anyone into DevOps or who needs a tool like Chef, drag them to the meeting.

*** We are in DIFFERENT room this month.  Signs will be posted, but please note the directions below.  ***

SGVLUG meeting Thur 12/13/2012 7-9PM 


TOPIC: Rebuilding an Enterprise Class Linux Infrastructure in Under an Hour
PRESENTER: David Rodriguez  – otherwise known as… ‘D Rod’ 
LOCATION:  Lauritsen 269 is on the 2nd floor of Downs on the northeast end.  The Downs
 building is across from the tennis courts on California at Arden.  If you enter near our usual room (Downs 107),  go down the hallway, hang a right, go past the elevators, and take the stairs up one level.  As soon as you come out on the 2nd floor, the classroom is on the left hand side.  If you take the elevator, you will want to head left after getting on the elevator.  (There is a map taped next to elevator that shows layout of Lauritsen.)


A modern day Linux Infrastructure should be flexible, scalable and able to deal
with the constant changes any business will require.  Automation is key to a
reliable and consistence server infrastructure, Automation also allows for easy
integration of new changes.
The DevOps movement melds two traditionally siloed teams; Application
Developers and Operations Engineers.  Writing infrastructure as code presents a
number of challenges and potential pitfalls, Operations Engineers need to write
code (something they may not be familar with) and Developers need to have a
strong understanding of the system (many Developers don’t want to be considered
with anything other than web applications).  There are several major projects
related purely to the management of infrastructure as code.
We will examine Opscode Chef and make a strong use case for the implementation
of Opscode Chef in a Linux Environment.  David will demonstrate many techniques
to utilize Chef quickly and efficiently to minimize the time of implementation.
Although Opscode Chef can be run on Solaris, FreeBSD and even Windows, the
presentation will discuss Linux and only Linux.  David will also discuss the
techniques to operate Chef on various Linux Distros which can provide a layer
of abstraction from the package management systems (apt & yum).  Finally David
will discuss how Chef can be used to rebuild an Entire infrastructure
(regardless of size or complexity) in a time previous thought impossible.  The
only limitation in speed of deployment is the hardware.


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