[SGVLUG] Presentation

Braddock Gaskill braddock at braddock.com
Fri Sep 24 12:17:09 PDT 2010

> From: Tom Emerson <starman9x at gmail.com>
> Sounds good to me too - I've added it to the calendar, will (re)post your
> original blurb on the site with a note that this will be "part 2" of the

Here is a proper blurb for the talk.  don't call it "part 2" because it
really stands alone:

Filling the Digital Divide with Offline Content: 
Six ways to deliver a library anywhere for under $90


Off-line content is reading material, educational texts, and other
reference materials delivered on media such as SDCards, DVDs, custom
hardware, or hard drives so that it can be used without internet access.
A typical deployment can deliver the equivalent of tens of thousands of
printed books.  The cost to deliver large off-line libraries has fallen
below the cost to deliver online internet access in most areas.
Off-line content thus provides a cost effective way to provide access to
the world's knowledge before affordable internet infrastructure is
available.  This presentation reviews six emerging projects which aim to
provide off-line hardware and libraries, including the author's
creation, the $20 Humane Reader


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