[SGVLUG] SNAFU - SOB! Trixbox CE 2.6 install experiences OR how to get grey hair quickly

matti mathew_2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 4 14:28:46 PST 2008


I just wanted to share this fun SNAFU...

So, I am finally setting up a Trixbox server
for a new business... small business nothing

last week, I spent all week attempting to download
the software .iso ...


tried down loading the 2.4.x ISO at home.. but bandwidth 
just sucks at home (super slow DSL.. neighborhood got over
subscribed.. bad lines.. cross talk problems.. )
est 12-13hrs... apartment mates reboot "modem"
when the internet looks slow.. (i.e. on big downloads)
(crappy 2-wire lemon of a "modem"/bridge needs
to be rebooted a lot... it's not mine... otherwise
i'd call and ask sbc/att to replace it.. )

ok... so try it at a work location (fast,
nice bandwidth.. 6Mbps down.. ) CD/DVD
burner in the office is dead! It's the
ONLY burner in the office!!!
( My laptop HD is dead.. so I'm screwed here.. )


Verizon promised a 1.5Mbps down at the new site...
turned out to be only 300kbps .. argh!!!
Called Verizon tech support thur.. must be the
telephone line.. so I replaced it, and ALL
the inside wiring.. STILL a problem... argh.

test the "jack".. actually posts the demarc 
(i.e. it's non-modular.. ) so you need a multi-meter
NO VOLTAGE recorded on dsl/fax line!! SNAFU!

Called them back late Thu ..
Me: "No Voltage, No Ring Tone at the Demarc,
still slow internet"
V Rep: usual blah..blah.. "Did you turn off the firewall?"

ummm... what part of this are you NOT understanding?
It's not working at the Demarc (i.e. where the phone
co brings the service.. before any firewall.. )

OK - verizon promises to send a tech out Fri between

Rep NO SHOW.. called Verizon...

V Rep: usual blah blah.. basically WE schedule techs as WE need
he'll be there tomorrow at 8-12am.. YOU need to be there...

Me: "No I don't, just have the tech test at the demarc,
everything is OK on the inside wiring."
( you sometimes have to be determined and insist )

Biz owner asks why the phones dont work yet....

I download the Trixbox SW at a friends (1.5M down)
using their burner... (thankfully I fixed
this system LAST weekend.. laptop harddrive
bad spots.. )

What! Trixbox CE just updated their version..
OK.. Oh, what is this???

Trixbox CE

OH!!! but the old version isn't available.. errr..
ok, download the latest...

Install looks like it is working....
hmmm... the Sangoma cards require usual old school
linux/unix rpm and other command line install/admin...
hmmm... read the docs.. no autodetect and setup...


Reading the various forums...

What's this... reading the trixbox CE docs I find out that is out... hmmmm... digging about a bit more...

"Tue, 03/04/2008 - 10:26am

No, was borked up as I posted to the Dev Blog." 
Kerry Garrison
(recall Kerry presented to us awhile back ;)


basically, was screwed up enough (permissions and
a script problem) that kerry advices just to restart
the install with!!!


Oh, and now... I noticed a post

"I just contacted Sangoma today. They said "If you give us a few days,
there will be RPMs for trixbox 2.6, but as of right now trixbox 2.4
RPMs won't work on Trixbox 2.6."

If you can't wait, you can install the drivers from source.
You must follow the steps below and follow the respective links.
This is a much more involved process, but all the instructions are on
the wiki."


1) Thankful for forums/wiki's.... but they take a LONG time
to process
2) Remember to tell people it will take LONGER to setup
things ... if done early, then they are happy.
3) Have multiple ways to download and burn software...
4) Carry CD blanks and a sharpie with you 
5) Remember not all broadband connections are equal...
6) when provisioning an office, try to place at least
2 cd/dvd burners on site.
7) Expect laptop hard drives to DIE often...

Well, that's about it for now...

just thought I would share this as I wait for the download to complete!!!! (1.5Mbps down still
sucks!!! blah!! )


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