[SGVLUG] "The King of lists..." and Linux

Emerson, Tom (*IC) Tom.Emerson at wbconsultant.com
Mon Feb 11 18:16:01 PST 2008


Found this "king of lists" site -- some funny, some downright serious --
the above link will take you to two lists

   top 10 list of things new Linux users need to learn
   top 10 list of things new Linux users need to Unlearn

I would say these are "mostly accurate" -- as knowledge of Linux becomes
more prevelant among software vendors, some of the things listed in the
"unlearn" section won't neccessarilly be true (vendors who "don't get
it" will still write programs with EULA's and phone-home-features; they
may even write something many people consider worth the effort of
putting up with those shenanigans)


[and yes, I know, there will be some replies stating that those "many
people" are still wrong...]

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