[SGVLUG] RE: RAD tools for Linus (was FYI - MS Heroes event in Anaheim 4/8 getMS sw w/o paying)

Emerson, Tom (*IC) Tom.Emerson at wbconsultant.com
Wed Apr 9 17:02:32 PDT 2008

Wow, this thread is starting to drift ON topic [for devsig, that is...]

> -----Original Message----- Of Jason Riker
>> -----Original Message----- Of Emerson, Tom (*IC)
>> We need to reach those "Joe"'s to inform them that 
>> development with Gnu tools are just as free (monetarily) and 
>> even freer in the long run [morally free, as well as the fact 
>> that his "customers" need not spend $$$ on "the rest" of the 
>> product line]
>> -------------------------------
> Tom,
> Before we can do that we need a legitimate replacement for 
> VS2005/2008. It's just too easy for those average Joes to 
> pick-up VS and become productive that there's no reason for 
> them to use anything else.

Heh heh heh -- I was tempted to point that out in my first message, so
I'm glad someone else ran with the ball for me :)

This is also something that should end up in the devsig list, but as
there is no real activity there, this will do for the moment -- when it
gets too technical, perhaps we should move it there :)

That said, have you looked at "RealBasic"? [http://www.realbasic.com/]
it's "mostly" there, and for linux, it's free-as-in-beer (though that
fact is hard to find on their site -- you have to load the "trial"
version, but under linux it unlocks itself as a standard version or
something like that -- it's been a while since I've tried it)

Looks like they have a new product out as well: an SQL-server [free
license for developers, and they "trust" you won't use said license in

Other "RAD" tools for linux include Kylix (delphi ported to linux by
Borland) [mostly dead, though...]; Eclipse and/or many other "java"
based IDE's; Mono; kdevelop [though I'll admit I haven't actually made
anything /work/ using it...] and a few others [Kommander --
sort-of-part-of the web-editor suite known as quanta -- and KDE

>                                ... At this point, Linux really 
> doesn't have anything like it.

But to your point -- while all of these are "like" VB/Visual studio, few
of them are as /easy/ to use as VB/VS [and packaging/deployment is
another matter altogether...]

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