[SGVLUG] Anyone know about Postfix on Linux?

Stan Schwarz stan at iron.gps.caltech.edu
Wed Sep 5 11:34:26 PDT 2007

I run the Earthquake Notification System here at the U.S.
Geological Survey. I originally built the system to run on
FreeBSD, since that's what I know. I have a Linux machine that I'm
experimenting with, and the mail sending process is very slow.
I adjusted in_flow_delay, but the process of inserting messages
into the Postfix queue is still slow.

I'm trying to achieve faster-than-a-speeding-spammer mail sends,
since everyone wants to know about earthquakes right after they

Is there anyone here who has configured Postfix for speed?

Stan Schwarz              |"Sun likely will have to embrace Linux
stan at iron.gps.caltech.edu | and eat their own children, or watch 
                          | IBM and HP do it instead." - crn.com
- http://pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/stans -----------------------------

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