THANKS!!! - Re: [SGVLUG] Speaking of events, how did the club-fair go?

matti mathew_2000 at
Wed Oct 3 15:48:46 PDT 2007


1st Special Thanks to 

Shang-Lin who reserved us a table!!!
( and made flyers :)

Anu Mahabal who printed up a SGVLUG poster for
us at the last minute and delivered it!!! :)

we could NOT have done this without their help!!!

thank you!!!


Got there early enough to get us a nice table by
the walk way, and added various coasters ( beer )
from O'Reilly with various topics about Open

Which thankfully made for an interesting table,
and we had a number of prospects stop by.

Big questions
a) What are we? 
b) What do we do?
c) Do we teach?

basically people want to know the value of joining
our club. [ perhaps something we should think 
about and add to our main page.

The trick to manning the table was to be active
and invite anyone who looked interested in what was 
displayed to chat.

A lot of people wondered about the value...
"I'm a bio major.. " (what good is it to me)
"I'm a EE major.. ", "I'm a mech eng.."

As such, I think we should consider marketing our
meeting with a bit more thought about which majors
on campus may find the topics more interesting.

The LaTex topic maybe very good for a lot of
people. I think we should look at WHO would
benefit from it, and spread the word based on

We got about 2-2 1/2 pages of emails of potentially
interested people which we need to invite to 
our meetings.

If we get 10 MORE people from caltech/JPL per
each meeting I will be very happy!

In the end, promoting our group at the club fair
is a great thing to do, and we should try to
do it each year, and we should try to become
an official caltech club, or have an official
sister club at caltech.

I had a good time and think it was a very successful


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