[SGVLUG] OLPC -- give one/get one and myspace...

Emerson, Tom (*IC) Tom.Emerson at wbconsultant.com
Wed Nov 14 17:56:15 PST 2007

I was almost certain I saw it on this list, but now I don't see it in my
local archive, however the "one laptop per child" (consortium?) is
currently conducting a "GIVE one and GET one" incentive.  Basically, the
price is now down to $200/unit, and what they want you to do is to buy
TWO units -- you keep one (ostensibly for your own child) and the other
is "donated" to a third-world country.  The DONATED laptop is fully tax

I don't know if this means that you cannot simply buy one for yourself
or your child WITHOUT "donating" one (maybe if you try that you might
end up on the "low priority" list?) but it's something to think about.

Meanwhile, it seems that the OLPC group also has a Myspace page:


(and, of course, their own home page at http://laptop.org/)

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