[SGVLUG] How'd they do that?

Stan Schwarz stan at iron.gps.caltech.edu
Mon Aug 20 15:35:36 PDT 2007

> Not hard the image is http://est.rbma.com/content/Baby_Blues?date=20070806
> a cgi or script of sometype if you load the image with a blank
> incorrect referror you get the no referrer image. The cooller part
> would be if it was called baby_blues_20070806.jpg{.gif or .png}

Hmm. I'd guess that a rewrite rule could do that.

All this to keep people from hotlinking pictures...

Stan Schwarz              |"Sun likely will have to embrace Linux
stan at iron.gps.caltech.edu | and eat their own children, or watch 
                          | IBM and HP do it instead." - crn.com
- http://pasadena.wr.usgs.gov/stans -----------------------------

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