Emerson, Tom (*IC) Tom.Emerson at wbconsultant.com
Fri Apr 27 12:06:03 PDT 2007

> -----Original Message----- Of matti
> Looks like the basic answer is here:
> "Laszlo Systems chose the CPL because it [...]
> permit[s] proprietary applications written using OpenLaszlo 
> to remain proprietary, but ensures that any contributions to 
> the OpenLaszlo platform itself remain open source and are 
> "given back" to the open source community."

They could still use the GPL for that -- after all, consider the
compiler (gcc)  the GPL maintains a similar attitude about the
distinction between products made BY a GPL program vs. enhancements TO a
GPL program (and/or variations OF the GPL'd product)

Or to put it another way, the GPL does not extend to the OUTPUT of a GPL

As to the rest of the CPL, I have a longer thought on it I started last
night (but fell asleep before hitting "send"), but the long and short of
it is, "this just sounds weird..."

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